Interview Tips to help you get that perfect job in Brighton
BrightonJobSearch is a designed to help people find
jobs in Brighton or to find a new job near Brighton. With the job market now more competitive than ever, you need to give employers every reason to pick you when you get to the important stage of being invited for a job interview.
The first 30 seconds of a job interview are very important. Here are a few helpful tips on what to expect and how to prepare for your job interview.
Job Interview checklist
- Make sure you double check the time, date and location of your job interview
- Plan your route the day before, eg if you are being interviewed for a job in Brighton you could get a route map from google maps so you can pin point the place to be before hand, or even make a trip there the day before to avoid any stress on the day
- Research the job and company before the interview, a few minutes spent typing the company's name into Google will be time very well spent. Read the company's about us page and any news articles you can find. Your interviewer will be impressed if you have some understanding of the company and its background
- Re read through the job advertisement on BrightonJobSearch to remind yourself what the job involves and what the recruiter is looking for
- Re read through your CV and have a good think about exactly why you think you'd be good for this job
Look Good, Feel Better
Rightly or wrongly, looks can make a difference, be smart and look professional. Think about the company you are applying to - how do your potential future colleagues dress for work? If you already look the part then you're on the way to fitting in at your desired new job!
Be on time!
Always keep in mind that you never get a second chance to make a first impression, so make sure you're prepared. Aim to arrive 20-25 minutes before your interview time, that way if your bus is late or you get stuck in traffic you'll still arrive on time. If you arrive early, you could wait nearby at a cafe or have a short walk round the area thinking about what you plan to say in your interview. Aim to report to reception exactly 10 minutes before your scheduled interview time.
Look them in the eyes and smile
Eye contact is one of the most important aspects while on your interview and can make a significant difference in how you present yourself. If you look away when speaking to someone, you are viewed as lacking confidence or not interested or being dishonest. So always answer the question with eye contact, and without glaring.
Be enthusiastic and positive
During your job interview always be enthusiastic. Do not be negative or mention any bad points about previous employers. Focus on positive achievements and views, always smile and be attentive.
What not to do in your job interview
As well as preparing for what you should do on a job interview, whether it's a part time job in Brighton or that perfect next step on the career ladder, it is just as important that you know what not to do.
- Don't be late!
- Don't swear or use slang words.
- Don't slouch in your seat or do anything else that makes you look disinterested.
- Don't lie! The interviewer may see through you. Even if you get the job, your employer can dismiss you if they find out.
- Don't let your nerves show too much. It is normal to be nervous, but you can't let your nerves take over, as this will affect your performance. Use breathing techniques and try to remember that it's not a life and death situation; there are plenty of jobs on!
- Don't be arrogant and assume you've got the job. Nothing turns off employers more than someone who is disrespectful and over-confident.
- Don't read from notes or your CV. You should be familiar enough with your own history to be able to talk about it unprompted.
- Don't argue with the interviewer, no matter what. Remember to keep things positive!
Top 4 questions asked at job interviews
1. Describe your strengths
It is almost guaranteed that on most job interviews you will be asked what you think your strengths are (and sometimes what you think your weaknesses / 'development areas' are too). You want to leave a positive impression in mind, so you will need to show that you are in the process of overcoming your weaknesses. Once thing is for sure, you need to have thought about this common interview question in advance so you know roughly what you will answer when asked it.
2. Why do you want this job?
Think carefully about this question. Stress the positive aspects, that have attracted you to applying for this job.
What qualities do you think will be required for this job?
Their advertisement for the job may help you a little bit, but you should also think of the other qualities that may be required. These may include leadership ability, supervisory skills, communication skills, interpersonal skills, problem solving, logical skills, etc.
3. What can you contribute to this job vacancy?
This is your chance to shine. Tell them about your achievements in your previous work that are relevant to the new position you are applying for.
4. Why do you want to work for this company?
Emphasise the positive reasons why you want to join their company, but avoid aspects such as more money or shorter hours. These may not endear you to a prospective employer. Stress opportunities for personal growth and new challenges.
Finally, don't give up your job hunt!
The fact is that you may not be offered every job, however perfect you think you may be for it.
If you do not get the job after an interview it is a good idea to run through the interview with someone and try to help them to identify any areas where you could have done better. There will be other opportunities in time and any failed interviews should be looked upon as part of a learning process.
Don't forget that performing well at an interview is a skill and it can be learnt and improved with help and practice. There are plenty of
jobs in and around Brighton - the main thing is to find the right one for you!
BrightonJobSearch wish you the best of luck with you job hunting!